Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weathering the Storm - Finding the positive in a Hurricane

I'm finally getting settled. Without full power and water we used the hurricane "down time" to get our house in order while settling the purchase and sale of our home. We also used it as a time to work ON our business instead of IN our business. (Long term goals versus day to day)

It's interesting because I've spoken to many people who were affected by the hurricane and I've seen many differences in how people dealt with it - it showed me a lot about each of them.  Legendary Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz said "Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it."  

Kim and I ended up losing power in the home we were selling as well as the place we were buying. We were moving in the dark with no elevator working in the place we were to move into. All attorneys dealing with the transactions without power or internet could not produce any documents.  We were able to close on the sale of our old home but could not move into the new house because those attorneys were slower to rebound and weren't ready for a closing.  

To date we still have not closed on it!  

We used the opportunity to spend time together, immerse ourselves in reading (for me the book "WIN" by Dr. Luntz - which by the way is a must read for all of you) and really really think through our business. It was a great chunk of time to get some necessary planning and strategizing done.

So the moral of the story is: Next time you get a curve ball thrown at you, remember what Lou Holtz said and then look for the positive in the situation - it's there but will you take advantage of it? 

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