Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sponsor what you're not!

One of the many benefits of the network marketing profession is that we can sponsor what we're not and surround ourselves with a team that compliments one another.  This is not about necessarily trying to take your weaknesses and improve upon them.  Yes, I worked on things like presenting, etc that needed work and I used to shake at the knees when trying to speak to a group, but that's something that I knew was necessary as part of my plan to be a leader in this profession.  

Interesting though is the fact that identifying and effectively articulating priorities may be the single most important component of successful people in any industry and we have the option of streamlining our focus for what we do well and sponsoring others that compliment us. 

For example, you won't see Oprah Winfrey programming computer code and you won't see Bill Gates hosting a book club! 

Focus on what you're great at and sponsor and attract others that can fill in the holes. 

Kim and I are a good example of this concept.  One of her many strengths is that she can network in a small room very very well and leave knowing everyone.  I would rather speak to hundreds if not thousands or tens of thousands in a room.  So when we travel together we compliment each other.  If you're a great people person but not great on the computer...go sponsor someone that is.

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