Thursday, May 31, 2012



You know you can read a gazillion books about goal setting but I love the Jim Rohn method (Kim and I are listening to one of his amazing programs again) because it's simple and EVERYONE - literally everyone, can do it.

   1. Establish a quantifiable goal.
   2. Establish a behavior (or set of behaviors) to enable you to reach that goal.
   3. Check progress and adjust as needed.

I love my ACAA acronym that I've taught since 2001.
  • A - Action
  • C - Critique
  • A - Adjust
  • A - Action

By practicing ACAA which is basically Jim Rohn's step #3, you absolutely cannot fail at whatever you are pursuing especially if you are doing that with a coach or mentor who has been where you want to be!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

85 Days Without Income

This past week, more than ever, several people asked Kim and I - Why Network Marketing for us? The reasons are many, but one experience in 2003 specifically got us back to exploring the profession again when real estate was down in 2008. That experience in 2003 was when our son Nick had a snow board injury (head trama) and was in a coma at UMass Medical for a month. That was followed by another 55 days of extreme therapy at Franciscan Children's Hospital to learn how to walk, talk and eat again on his own...which was then followed by more outpatient therapy at a local facility. Kim and I would be at his side the entire time so for us it was Kim and her parents during the days and myself or my brother Steve or my Dad would stay the night with Nick. Fortunately, he is doing quite awesome now. For more about his story and what he's up to now you can visit and

Now, what the heck does that have to do with why Kim and I love the Network Marketing Profession and participate full time since November of 2009? Well for approximately 85 days we had to unplug 100% from our work and anything else we had going on and dedicate all of our energy, time and resources to helping Nick recover. 85 days of not working. The valuable lesson we learned the hard way is that our real estate income (even though we built it for approximately 13 years at that point) dwindled rather quickly because it relied on all of our efforts. Simultaneously, we happen to be part of a Network Marketing Company and the checks in that business grew by approximately 32% while we were completely unplugged. Network Marketing offers a size and quality of income that is unmatched in any profession in my opinion. Regardless of the quantity, the quality is such that you can take your finger off the pulse and your income will continue - when built properly over time of course. Nothing significant is built in any business in a matter of months, but over the course of 2-5 years in this profession, amazing things can and will happen.

Question for you: If you were to walk away from your job or business for the next 85 days, what would happen to your income, and, more importantly, are you OK with that? It's a huge reality, gutt check for most but I encourage you to explore it. I have a bias to our company of course, but if you're not currently participating at some level in the Network Marketing Profession I would invite you to educate yourself on it. A great book I recently read to help you with that is The Mentor by Ryan Chamberlain and Frank Viscuso and another is Beach Money by Jordan Adler. They don't promote any particular company - just the straight facts on what, how, when and why. You owe it to yourself to learn why hundreds of millions world-wide are turning to this profession.

If you need NOW money, check it out. If you are earning in excess of $250,000, or $500,000 or more and it's highly contingent upon YOU, check it out.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

From Joel Osteen's "Every Day a Friday"

A researcher in Australia found that life goals and choices have as much or more impact on happiness than our body chemistry or genetic makeup.  Another study found that half of our happiness is determined by factors other than biology.  Ten percent is connected to "life circumstances" and the other 40 percent is dependent on our life decisions."

If we know this and we know that we all make approximately 2500 decisions daily - subconsciously or consciously - let's decide today to design our lifestyle exactly the way we want because life is too short to do anything but that.  Simple gutt check for you:

  1. Are you 100% happy with your health right now?
  2. Are you 100% happy with your income level right now
  3. Are you 100% happy with your bank account balances right now?
If you answered NO to any of these, change it today - it's 100% up to you.

The New Three 3's

I was taught the concept of three 3's years ago by an amazing mentor and I've continued to teach that so people can manage their numbers and manage their business.

Three 3's simply means 3 exposures per day (5 days per week) leads to 15 people who have seen your message.  Out of 15 people 3 will look further (in our case a Challenge Party) and out of 3 weekly that view your details of your company (12 for the month) 3 will join.  So what's "the new Three 3's"?  That formula hasn't changed, but what has changed is the number of customers we acquire from the same exposures.  In my past affiliation there was zero incentive for a customer to be a customer and zero incentive for us as distributors to have customers (unless you consider $5 incentive :) ).  With Evolv those same numbers produce 3-5 customers - let's say 3 to keep it conservative.

Why is that?  Well, lots of reasons but primarily these:

  1. Proprietary patented products
  2. 100% Money Back Guarantee (to my knowledge doesn't exist in our business)
  3. e84 Health Challenge changing lives
  4. Free Exersciz package by experts who train Olympic athletes
  5. Free Facebook app
  6. 1, 2, FREE so customers can get their product for FREE
So now when you expose 3x per day you will pick up three promoters and 3 customers - we are effecting the masses and shattering the past barriers in this profession.  What's even better is this "teach three to teach three" model will get you locked in for life with our Driven program (Mercedes Benz for life) within 28 days- 28 days!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Evolv Challenge Before and After Pics!

Below you will find amazing evidence from real Evolv Challenge participants! 

The new challenge cycle kicks off Saturday May 19th and runs until our next event 8/10 in Orlando. Evolv is focussed and tied to their mission in every way: 8.4 million to complete a challenge, events every 84 days.

Think of how many lives we are about to change!

Monday, May 14, 2012

What's The Best Book You've Ever Read?

Someone asked me "What is the title of the best book you have ever read and why?" 

My "best book" shifts as I read more and more and develop more and more.  

Right now I am reading one of Joel Olsteins' books: Make Every Day a well as Black Water, which is quite amazing.  

I also started "What Would Napoleon Hill do?"

What is the best book you've read?  

Let's post recommendations of all the best books for everyone!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Would You Take 1009 "No's" if it Meant Finding Your Next Ambassador?

You've probably heard the story about Colonel Harlan Sanders.

In Notes From a Friend, Tony Robbins shares the story of him, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken and in it are amazing lessons.

Here is one lesson worth revisiting for any one in the network marketing profession:

So many people have great ideas but Colonel Sanders was different.  He went and started knocking on doors to tell restaurant owners about his chicken recipe and told them if they use it they would increase sales and all he wanted in return was a % of that increase.

How many "No's" do you think he got?  He was actually refused 1009 times before he heard his first yes.  

Get this - he spent two years driving across America in his old, beat-up car, sleeping in the back seat, getting up each day eager to share his idea with someone new.  Often, the only food he had was a quick bite of the samples he was preparing for perspective buyers. 

How many people do you think would have gone for 1009 "No's"  - two years worth!...and kept going?  I would guess very few.  Most wouldn't get passed twenty "No's", much less a hundred or a thousand! 

Yet this is sometimes what it takes to succeed.

I simply suggest you think of this next time you get a single no and remember that you are simply looking for those looking ... period.  Never give up!  The rewards are awesome.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Who's on the Bus?

I love the book "Resolved" by Orrin Woodward and all it's Leadership lessons. 

I was flying home from Kayla's amazing National Championship and finished the book and, as is customary for me after finishing a great book, I went back through my markings to see what had gotten my attention the most.

There's a section in it titled Leadership Cultures and Freedom and it validated in a big way and put a big exclamation point on the move Kim and I recently made to another company inside the amazing profession of Network Marketing:

"Leadership cultures need freedom for leaders to blossom and grow.  Ironically...Most companies build their bureaucratic rules to manage the small percentage or wrong people on the bus, which in turn drives away the right people on the bus, which then increases the percentage of wrong people on the bus, which increases the need for more bureaucracy to compensate for the incompetence and lack of discipline, which then further drives the right people away, and so forth."

So obvious you would think!

Too many more lessons to mention here but grab the book regardless of your job, business or profession as it has amazing leadership lessons throughout.