Friday, August 26, 2011

"The past is ignorant of the present. Be careful in taking its advice."

In Dr. Mark Chironna's book "Live YOUR Dream" he quotes Mason Cooley:  "The past is ignorant of the present.  Be careful in taking its advice."

There's two sides to that in my opinion:
  1. If you had past failures (I did!), don't let that dictate your future.  Wipe the slate clean and hold on to the shirt tails of someone that has been where you want to go or that is ahead of you in the direction you want to go.
  2. If you've personally had past success, be on the look out for how you can move to the next level.  Often times what got us from point A to B can slow us down moving from point B to C.  In addition to you personally, pay attention to relationships with people and organizations, employers, partnerships and affiliations.  Over time things change.  Be on the look out for those things and don't let them trip you up.
Think HUGE.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to walk to California from New England

Starting anything is not just a single event, but rather a series of events.

When you started your Network Marketing business I hope  that you didn't start with the expectation that you would treat it as an "event" which had a short term start and finish.  I hope, rather, that you treat it as a never ending series of starts.

If you and I were going to walk to California we'd take a first step out of Newport RI in the right direction.  We'd spend the rest of the day waling toward California, one step at a time, picking our feet up and putting them down.  At the end of the day, 20 or 30 miles later, we may stop at a hotel.  And then what?

The next morning we either quit this project or we start again, walking to California.  In fact, every step is a new beginning.  We are in fact closer than we were yesterday, but we're still heading toward California.

Keep starting until you finish and decide what your finish is!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Are you Insane?

1 Year Ago....

Chris says: Exactly two years ago on 9/10/10 I visited Hawaii for the 1st Go Diamond event and the kick off of that amazing group. In the room there were approximately 160 people. Stories were developed, checks were generated, wealth was created - all from that one event. It launched a business that now generates approximately $ 1,000,000 in yearly sales.

Question: If you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that by attending the upcoming Go Diamond Event on 9/10 in Hawaii you would experience exponential growth and all the related benefits that go along with it,
wouldn't you 1) REGISTER and 2) tell everyone you know to come along as well?

You can do just that!

I can assure you that at this event you will be educated, motivated and inspired. Don't miss the train.
Kimmy says: This event will be completely unique from all the others and I promise you it’s one you don’t want to miss. In addition to introducing your guests to Kim and Chris Pre, the leaders and top earners in our
company, you have the opportunity to win many different amazing prizes throughout the day and we will have some very special, never before seen or done surprises! Your guests will leave feeling confident and excited to be a part of our team.

Will you be the one to walk away with $1000 in CASH or a free plane ticket to SHINE? If you don't show up you’ll never know!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who's Responsible?

It's not their fault. It's yours!

If you're not moving forward the way you would like or the way you anticipated when starting your business, what's stopping you is you. That's awesome news, because it means you are in control of your own destiny.

If you continue to blame and complain and procrastinate and make excuses, you'll continue to be disappointed with the way your business unfolds. It's not corporates fault and it's not the shipping and it's not the testimonials or lack of the right testimonials and it's no the compensation plan.  When you're ready to stop all that finger pointing, and when you choose to be responsible for everything about your business, you dramatically change your outlook for the better....and results follow.

It is difficult and uncomfortable to take full responsibility for your business, I know that. The only thing that's even more difficult is to not take that responsibility, and to live with the unending regret and "should" all over yourself - "I should have.....".

Yes, there are many things you cannot control...I get that... and most of the difficult challenges are not your fault sometimes. Even so, if you wish to create real fulfillment, and the results you want, the way to do so is by taking responsibility anyway.

This is your business, your opportunity, and your universe of possibilities. Take responsibility for it all, no matter what, and make it into a magnificent amazing enormous business...if that's what you choose.

Chris Prefontaine

Monday, August 15, 2011

Train Yourself for Success

When I think back to my initial challenges of transferring from real estate to the network marketing profession back in 2001 (I spent 2001-2004 in the industry and then chose to leave for real estate again in December of 2004), I remember being insecure and uneasy simply not understanding the power of the profession and the type of income it can generate (both quantity and quality).

I also recall like it was yesterday the financial challenges I had re-entering the profession in July 2008. Things like credit cards being shut off, creditors calling, properties being foreclosed, investors upset and talking to me as if I caused the National Real Estate crash...and much more.

So today I wanted to help you understand how you can become super confident, comfortable and secure with this profession so you don't go through some of the struggles I did. I say that because this industry can cause the highest insecurity in the most secure people if you focus on the wrong things, listen to the wrong people and get caught up in the minutia. When I think about what I did, it was mainly three core things so please study these, take them literal and do them 100% so that you don't let someone saying "no" squish your dream and cause insecurity.

1. Seek out mentors & leaders and become a great student. In 2001 my sponsor and mentor (who had earned $300,000 monthly) told me "you may have had success in real estate, but I need you to wipe the slate clean and do 100% of what I say and I need you to stop doing what you think is going to work and start considering what I think..." You will notice that I don't listen to a Randy Gage series or a Todd Smith series and just do some of it. I complete the training CD's and videos and I do 100% of what they suggest - 100%.

Randy Gage's "Duplication Nation"
or higher or aspiring to build a huge business, Randy's "Mega MLM".

Now, why did I suggest that? Because I listened to them, gained huge value from it and continue to listen to Mega MLM over and over and over again. You know what happened out of 23,000 distributors-a small hand full of you purchased them - about 10 of you.

OK, so what happened to the other people?

The most important investment you can make is in YOU. If you don't sharpen your saw, who will? Seek out mentors & leaders and become a great student

2. Get in front of the leaders. If there is an event with a top leader as a speaker within a 5 hour drive or even within a 5 hour plane ride, you should attend. No questions asked. Some of you will say, well I'll do that after I achieve such and such. No, if you're not achieving all of your goals right now in this profession, you particularly need to be there. It will help you overcome insecurity and build your confidence as you will get a steady stream of positive, see others succeeding and take away 1-3 special nuggets that can change your business forever.

3. Company Events - missing these events is not an option. If there was a company run event, Kim and I were there. Our sponsor in 2001 said very pointedly to us - if you are not coming to the conference  I will not sponsor you , work with you and be part of your failure. (which by the way was the month after we joined so we told him we'd start when he got back and we didn't need to be there)

What we are doing in Network Marketing is fundamentally correct. The leadership and corporate members will help you understand that the underlying principles in this industry/profession are fundamentally stronger, better, more profitable and more fun than ANYTHING you can do in conventional business.

Identify where your belief and conviction about this profession are on a scale from 1-10: 10 being the highest possible confidence and posturing and so much so that you talk to the most successful people you know and don't know and deep down know that this is the best for them...1 being you have insecurity about yourself and/or the industry.

• Then define a series of things you can do during the next 90 days that will help you change that & literally wrap a suit of armor around yourself. I can give you some hints to get you started: Immerse yourself in Randy Gage's two tape series that Kim and I are now: Randy Gage's "Duplication Nation" and Randy's "Mega MLM".   Schedule a coaching call with your leadership.

Email me and tell me your plan.

This industry is the best way to move product, the best way to earn and the best way to live when done properly. As a result, the stakes are very high. Your lost opportunity & related opportunity cost is enormous when not plugged in properly. Plug in properly and start with the assignments on this post.

Chris Prefontaine

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

10 Things you Need to Be Successful in Network Marketing

Ten Things You DO Need To Be Successful in  Network Marketing

1. Ten to 15 hours a week: If you knew what I now know after 7 years in the industry,you'd spend a minimum of 10‐15 hours per week for the next 5‐7 years. Can you build this business in 5‐7 hours weekly? You sure can ‐ we did when we started.

Do we recommend you quit your job right away?.....of course not. Find 10‐15 minutes that are otherwise put towards non‐productive activities (TV, movies or other things you could substitute)
and use those minutes for your business.

2. Huge WHY: We're all busy and everyone uses their 168 hours per week already. To reach success it's important you do the 10‐15 per week hours above and that will require some sacrifice for most of you; and to do this you need a reason for doing so. You need a HUGE why. This WHY will keep you working, even when things don't go as perfect as you would like.

3. A Positive Attitude: Sounds basic but getting your head right is the most important thing you will do early on in your career. Daily self‐development time will keep you on the right track. Schedule out of your 1 hour of  time, 15 minutes for self‐development. If you're not you're cheating yourself.

4. Willingness to be coached: You'll discover the rules are different than any other job, business or profession. You'll learn a step by step system on how to create a large business. I encourage you to resist the urge to create new tools and try other methods when you're new.

5. Take Action: One of the biggest downfalls for new people is wasting time "getting ready to get ready.” The next thing they know, they're sitting around imagining possible reasons why their business won't work. The most successful people get into immediate action, and begin to create immediate results. This begins by sticking to the system and learning as you earn. Worry only about your daily activities without worrying about the how. You don't have to be a product expert, a compensation plan expert or be a master presenter. If you're waiting for the perfect plan ‐ the perfect plan is to take action!

Chris Prefontaine