Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are you Drafting?

In the May 2011 edition of SUCCESS magazine, Mel Robbins did a great article called “The Power of Drafting.”

I wanted to summarize pieces of it as it’s an awesome example of what we can do in Network Marketing:

Cyclists and car racers do it all the time. When you move at high speed, you produce a wake of air behind you. If you get behind a cyclist, a truck or your mentor, the wake pushes you forward. Scientists have proven that when you draft, you exert 30 percent less effort than the person you are tailing. Same is true in life and in our business. If you know you are following behind someone else who’s blazing the trail and creating a wake for you, it will be easier!

For ANYTHING you want to do, simply identify two people in the world who are doing or have done what you would like to do, then devote yourself to learning as much as you can about them and how they got to where they are. Just step wherever they have stepped, and you will exert 30 percent less emotional effort in reaching your goals!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

True leadership in Network Marketing

True leadership in Network Marketing stems NOT from ordering others to perform, but instead modeling the behavior you want to see take place.

The first person you have to lead is YOU! If you’re not happy with your progress or what your group is doing – change what you’re doing!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Build on Friendships

“It’s the oldest, corniest piece of advice in the world, but it still works. The strongest networks are built on friendship. Be a friend not only to the people in your network, but to the people who matter the most to the people in your network.”

Harvey Mackay

Friday, April 15, 2011

Self Improvement

"Your Actions Speak So Loudly, I Can't Hear Your Words"

The title of this post is actually a subtitle from John Maxwell’s book “Everyone Communicates Few Connect.” The book is amazing, but it really reminds me that all the answers and/or skill sets and/or education we need is out there somewhere! (Grab his book now from our recommended reading list: Recommended Reading)

As far as communicating, many believe the message is all that matters. Reality is that communications goes way beyond words. Amazingly, more than 90% of the impression we often convey has nothing to do with what we actually say.

• What we say accounts for only 7% of what is believed.

• The way we say it accounts for 38%.

• What others see accounts for 55%

As leaders we must lead the way and always ask yourself – “…if my group does what I am doing right now, will we all make money?”

- Chris Prefontaine

Conducting Your Business in Sprints

Understanding Where You Are in Your Network Marketing Business

Know where you are on the clock dial in order to create massive wealth in Network Marketing.

It’s super important to know and understand where you are and where others you know are on the 'clock dial' relative to joining a network marketing company. It can and will have a profound effect on your progress.

High noon would be when you’re having your best year ever and next year looks as good if not better. This is when you are at the top of your game in whatever it is you are doing to generate income. Because of that you can leverage yourself as many people will want to know what you’re doing and will want to follow you.

This also holds true for those you contact if you’re already in a Network Marketing company. Speak to the most successful people you know, because the hands on the dial do move for many people.

For example, 3 O’clock is when things have changed for the worse and no one knows yet. Examples would be - your bills are getting behind and/or your business is shrinking and the picture is looking worse but you still have time to sprint because no one on the outside knows yet; perhaps just you and your family.

6 O’clock is when things have changed AND everyone knows. If you were in Enron, for example, after the challenges they faced, everyone knew. If you are in real estate still and haven’t made a change, this is probably you now.

9 O’clock is when you’ve failed to react at 6, things are looking real bad, you’re in the fetal position and it’s tough for anyone to follow you. This is also NOT a great spot to go looking for people you can save if you’re looking to recruit.

The good news is that Network Marketing can change the hands of the clock for you and it’s easier the earlier you catch it. You’re best to try to stay between 12-3 on the clock. That was me because in 2008 it was looking grim in real estate, but no one really knew yet. I made a serious change and have earned in excess of $1,300,000 in just 36 months. Don’t let the hands of the clock get away from you – change now, and approach others in the 12-3 range.

Chris Prefontaine

Founding Distributor, Diamond Director

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Summaries from “Jamie Oliver Food Revolution”

When reading something like this, it’s super easy to see how amazingly effective a healthy diet can be. And how amazing it is to empower soooo many people financially with a healthy opportunity. Keep this in mind – We are simply looking to help people health wise and economically:

  •       Nearly one in three (32%, 23 million) American Children are overweight or obese.
  •            Globally, 17% of kids of all ages are obese, but this rises to over 25% in most areas for kids aged 10-17
  •          80% of obese children will also be obese as adults
  •       8% of the U.S. population (24 million) have diabetes
  •               ¼ of adults (another 57 million) are estimated to have pre-diabetes.  Much of this is caused by obesity
  •      65% of people Globally with diabetes die of heart disease or a stroke.

               “Today’s children could die at a younger age than their parents as preventable diseases reach epidemic levels.”

People are looking to take back control of their finances and protect themselves and we have the answer.

Why Some Don't Soar

In John Maxwell’s “Leadership Gold” Jim Rohn shares a chapter titled “Why Some Don’t Soar.”

The first rule of management is this: Don’t send your ducks to eagle school.
Why? Because it won’t work. Good people are found, not changed. They can change themselves, but you can’t change them. If you want good people, you have to find them. If you want motivated people, you have to find them, not motivate them.

I picked up a magazine not long ago in New York that had a full-page ad in it for a hotel chain. The first line of the ad read, “We do not teach our people to be nice.” Now that got my attention. The second line said, “We hire nice people.” I thought, “What a clever shortcut!”

Motivation is a mystery. Why are some people motivated and some are not? Why does one salesperson see his first prospect at 7am while others start at 11am?

At our leadership events we deliver as much content as possible. Why do some walk out and say “I’m going to change my life” while others walk out and yawn and say – “Yeah, I’ve heard all this before.”

If someone from leadership says – “Boy, I just read this amazing book and it will help you.” – why do some distributors go buy it and read it that weekend and the majority not?

It's a mystery – or maybe it isn't? Don’t waste your time trying to turn ducks into eagles. Associate with people and pour energy into people who already have the motivation and drive to be eagles and then just let them soar.

Chris Prefontaine

The Uphill Climb in Network Marketing – Embrace it.

I love Lance Armstrong’s attitude about climbing uphill relative to cycling and how it relates to all industries, but in particular – Network Marketing. Too many people say, “Oh, it’s summer so I’ll wait until the fall..." or "Oh the winter.... I'll just wait until Spring." What an opportunity missed for those who procrastinate because this is the time to grow your business huge for the following year.

Lance talks about his climbing and how he looks at it during his races as the best time to pick up time and to pass people. It’s the best time because many riders are strapped with fear as they climb, just hoping to get to the top. They’re suffering and it’s time to strike. His attitude is that he cannot wait for the climb because he’ll gain valuable minutes there.

Well generally speaking, aren't we all in an uphill climb now in this economy? Sure. So this is sprint time. This is when many people slow down and you gain a serious edge over your competition. I strongly suggest you set up a 90 day sprint regardless of the industry or company you’re in. Chart what it will take to accomplish your goals, how many contacts necessary, etc. – then share with your mentors and/or coaches what your goals are so they can hold you accountable.

I’m the #1 earner in my company and I started in July 2008. Our #2 earner Globally started in July 2009 - the following year! Embrace the uphill climb.

Chris Prefontaine

Monday, April 11, 2011

Never Run Out of Names

(Success Magazine)
We spent time this week with family, reading and journaling and came accross a great quote in Success Magazine by Bob Burg.  By the way, if you're not reading "Success" magazine monthly, why not?  Packed with great articles, education, etc..!

"Think about it:  Everybody you know, everyone you meet, also knows about 250 people.  So every time you cultivate a relationship with one new person, you have actually expanded your personal inventory by 250 peole - every single time."

C'mon guys- think about that and let's help others in our group think about that so we never, ever hear "I don't have anyone to speak to..." or "I ran out of names...".

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to Deal With "No"

Sometimes a "no" is meaningless - for example if someone says"No, we don't have a certain type of soda in this restaurant" or "No our store doesn't have another shirt in your size." The initial impact of hearing no may be irritating, but no more than that. Thirty seconds later you've forgotten all about "NO." And in each of these cases, a "No" is not going to stop you from returning for something else in these establishments.

Why then do we give it so much importance when dealing with our business lives. Why, when we hear the word "No" in our industry do people initially feel insulted, intimidated, and discouraged. You must learn to accept their "No" as, "it's not the right time for me." If you check back in 6 - 12 months their situation may have changed, but if you allow their first reponse to discard them as a prospect you may be throwing money away!

How quickly and easily you allow someone else's authority , or determination of what you can or cannot do, is very telling of who you are at your core. In order to become wealthy in any industry you must understand in every situation of adversity ther is also an opportunity. You turn mistakes into learning lessons and move forward. You must be resilient to resistance.

Also consider this: in today's world it's a reflex to say "No" first to anything as way of protecting yourself from a commitment before you decide you want to say "Yes." It is not always a definitive answer. 

An Event Driven Business

So many people fail to recognize that network marketing is not vague, it’s not ambiguous – it’s very specific and predictable for sure.

You can and will develop an enormous organization when you focus on events. Now, "events" can mean several things. Let me first explain how always I start a new endeavor because many people ask about how it happens so quickly, and then I’ll explain how to drive your business with events.

I sign up at the highest, most committed level because I want the full attention of my sponsor and I wanted to make sure I can start aggressively. I then have to schedule my first event because life can happen and a week or two can just drift by me without making any progress in my business.

If you’d like a fast start for your personal business, let’s make sure you’re creating events.  After making your list I strongly suggest booking with your sponsor your first three events.

I also suggest you schedule a 30 minute time slot each of those first three weeks with your sponsor or upline so that those who have questions prior to or after your events and webinars can be directed to a time slot within those 30 minute scheduled times to have a 3-way conversation with you and your sponsor.

When you’re brand new you should not be answering questions – your sponsor or upline should and you can listen and learn. Bingo- we just created a super fast start for your first month.

So, events drive your business and events are: one on ones, two on ones, in homes/in offices, webinars, 3 way phone call time slots, hotel business overviews and larger regional and corporate events.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Success Magazine Great Advice

I was reading the Success Magazine edition from February 2011 and ran across this quote that reminded me soooo much of our recruiting efforts and who we should be speaking to – the 8’s, 9’s and 10’s!

“If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs.  But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.”

Who are you speaking to? THING BIG.

Monday, April 4, 2011

How Badly Do You Want to Accomplish Your Goals?

I love what Eric had to say and wanted to share it with you.  How badly do you want to accomplish all of your goals?  What are you willing to do to get there?
