Monday, September 26, 2011

If you can dream it, you can do it. It's kind of fun to do the impossible. Walt Disney

If you can dream it, you can do it.  It's kind of fun to do the impossible.  Walt Disney

If you have not clearly written out your goals and are not reviewing them on a daily basis, you're missing huge opportunity.  It's amazing to look back through old journals, old notebooks and see affirmations and goals that we've written and to realize that we've accomplished 90% of them.  OK, so think about it - you dream it, think it, write it, study it ...and it may happen after you throw extreme focus at it?  Why not do that regularly then?  Try it...then give it a year or two...and enjoy.

Incidentally, did you know that Walt Disney mortgaged everything he owned, including his own personal insurance, to fund the $17 million construction of Disneyland?  Or that Oprah Winfrey, the child of a single teenage mom, was sexually assautled a the age of nine? 

I could keep going with stories of people like Steve Wynn who took over his father's bingo company while still in college because of his father's sudden death.  The bottom line is that most winners have faced enormous obstacles and have failed multiple matter how bad it got - and still succeeded.

No matter what you're dealing with now, don't you dare give up.  If you're in our profession, listen to Ronni Ackerman's 1-3-5-7 philosophy on last weeks' go diamond call

Go Diamond with Chris Prefontaine, Kimmy Everett, Ron Druyan and Ron Ackerman 9/23/2011


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