Tuesday, June 14, 2011

X’s and O’s or X’s and Y’s ?

You’ve heard me speak about the X and Y generations lately during the Biz ops because they make up approximately 46% of the population.

Together with the Baby Boomers (another 18% of population), they all control a large portion of the available disposable income. Not a bad group to get ahead of huh!?

Keep in mind when speaking with people-especially the X and Y generations, that they are looking at their parents and others around them (who are older) thinking – wow, the system of getting educated, getting a job and being secure is BROKEN – it’s not working. They now are seeking independence, travel, communicating on the internet, etc.. Well, that’s what you have to offer them!

So what are you waiting for? Go speak to them today and invite three to sit down with you and play the DVD…or invite them to the webinar – they love technology.
Meet Ashley Tucker, 22 years old from Bermuda, came in at Gold, upgraded to platinum, traveled to Newport, RI for the Go Diamond event and is on her way to building a Global Business. And by the way, part of the Y generation!

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