When I think back to my initial challenges of transferring from real estate to the network marketing profession back in 2001 (I spent 2001-2004 in the industry and then chose to leave for real estate again in December of 2004), I remember being insecure and uneasy simply not understanding the power of the profession and the type of income it can generate (both quantity and quality).
I also recall like it was yesterday the financial challenges I had re-entering the profession in July 2008. Things like credit cards being shut off, creditors calling, properties being foreclosed, investors upset and talking to me as if I caused the National Real Estate crash...and much more.
So today I wanted to help you understand how you can become super confident, comfortable and secure with this profession so you don't go through some of the struggles I did. I say that because this industry can cause the highest insecurity in the most secure people if you focus on the wrong things, listen to the wrong people and get caught up in the minutia. When I think about what I did, it was mainly three core things so please study these, take them literal and do them 100% so that you don't let someone saying "no" squish your dream and cause insecurity.
1. Seek out mentors & leaders and become a great student. In 2001 my sponsor and mentor (who had earned $300,000 monthly) told me "you may have had success in real estate, but I need you to wipe the slate clean and do 100% of what I say and I need you to stop doing what you think is going to work and start considering what I think..." You will notice that I don't listen to a Randy Gage series or a Todd Smith series and just do some of it. I complete the training CD's and videos and I do 100% of what they suggest - 100%.
Randy Gage's "Duplication Nation"
or higher or aspiring to build a huge business, Randy's "Mega MLM".
Now, why did I suggest that? Because I listened to them, gained huge value from it and continue to listen to Mega MLM over and over and over again. You know what happened out of 23,000 distributors-a small hand full of you purchased them - about 10 of you.
OK, so what happened to the other people?
The most important investment you can make is in YOU. If you don't sharpen your saw, who will? Seek out mentors & leaders and become a great student
2. Get in front of the leaders. If there is an event with a top leader as a speaker within a 5 hour drive or even within a 5 hour plane ride, you should attend. No questions asked. Some of you will say, well I'll do that after I achieve such and such. No, if you're not achieving all of your goals right now in this profession, you particularly need to be there. It will help you overcome insecurity and build your confidence as you will get a steady stream of positive, see others succeeding and take away 1-3 special nuggets that can change your business forever.
3. Company Events - missing these events is not an option. If there was a company run event, Kim and I were there. Our sponsor in 2001 said very pointedly to us - if you are not coming to the conference I will not sponsor you , work with you and be part of your failure. (which by the way was the month after we joined so we told him we'd start when he got back and we didn't need to be there)
What we are doing in Network Marketing is fundamentally correct. The leadership and corporate members will help you understand that the underlying principles in this industry/profession are fundamentally stronger, better, more profitable and more fun than ANYTHING you can do in conventional business.
• Identify where your belief and conviction about this profession are on a scale from 1-10: 10 being the highest possible confidence and posturing and so much so that you talk to the most successful people you know and don't know and deep down know that this is the best for them...1 being you have insecurity about yourself and/or the industry.
• Then define a series of things you can do during the next 90 days that will help you change that & literally wrap a suit of armor around yourself. I can give you some hints to get you started: Immerse yourself in Randy Gage's two tape series that Kim and I are now: Randy Gage's "Duplication Nation" and Randy's "Mega MLM". Schedule a coaching call with your leadership.
Email me and tell me your plan.
This industry is the best way to move product, the best way to earn and the best way to live when done properly. As a result, the stakes are very high. Your lost opportunity & related opportunity cost is enormous when not plugged in properly. Plug in properly and start with the assignments on this post.
Chris Prefontaine
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