Tuesday, August 9, 2011

10 Things you Need to Be Successful in Network Marketing

Ten Things You DO Need To Be Successful in  Network Marketing

1. Ten to 15 hours a week: If you knew what I now know after 7 years in the industry,you'd spend a minimum of 10‐15 hours per week for the next 5‐7 years. Can you build this business in 5‐7 hours weekly? You sure can ‐ we did when we started.

Do we recommend you quit your job right away?.....of course not. Find 10‐15 minutes that are otherwise put towards non‐productive activities (TV, movies or other things you could substitute)
and use those minutes for your business.

2. Huge WHY: We're all busy and everyone uses their 168 hours per week already. To reach success it's important you do the 10‐15 per week hours above and that will require some sacrifice for most of you; and to do this you need a reason for doing so. You need a HUGE why. This WHY will keep you working, even when things don't go as perfect as you would like.

3. A Positive Attitude: Sounds basic but getting your head right is the most important thing you will do early on in your career. Daily self‐development time will keep you on the right track. Schedule out of your 1 hour of  time, 15 minutes for self‐development. If you're not you're cheating yourself.

4. Willingness to be coached: You'll discover the rules are different than any other job, business or profession. You'll learn a step by step system on how to create a large business. I encourage you to resist the urge to create new tools and try other methods when you're new.

5. Take Action: One of the biggest downfalls for new people is wasting time "getting ready to get ready.” The next thing they know, they're sitting around imagining possible reasons why their business won't work. The most successful people get into immediate action, and begin to create immediate results. This begins by sticking to the system and learning as you earn. Worry only about your daily activities without worrying about the how. You don't have to be a product expert, a compensation plan expert or be a master presenter. If you're waiting for the perfect plan ‐ the perfect plan is to take action!

Chris Prefontaine

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