Thursday, December 27, 2012

One Million Dollars

Do you realize that if you're in the profession of network marketing a single prospect could mean a million dollars over several years.  And if that's not enough incentive to be persistent in your business, I'm not sure what is.  There are tens of thousands of network marketers who enjoy powerful incomes because of just one good prospect.  Why not joint them?

Why not go out and offer the gift of your company today and for the rest of the year?

It's your choice.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

How's Your Work Environment

As we were approaching the Holidays I told Kim I may as well go work in Bermuda where the climate is much better this week and where there's lots of activity going on.  So I packed up my computer and International cell phone and headed off.  I know if I stayed in RI I could work the phones, but going to Bermuda I could get in front of the amazing group we have there and meet their best people.  So I was able to meet with some of our amazing retailers like Saadia Bean, Lane Martin, Stephen & @Michelle Woodley and many more but we were also able to meet one on one with about 19 guests and launched a business with 9 of them!

Happy Holidays and can change what your December 2013 looks like by making DIFFERENT decisions for your financial future now.  If nothing changes...nothing changes.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Perfect Fit

People have asked me how to "close" people with their company in the network marketing profession.  My answer is always -- you don't!  You are always walking people through a logical pattern of activities.  Example:

  1. Are you open to a project in 2013 if it can create additional income for you without interfering with that you are presently doing?  (Most say yes)
  2. You send an introduction to your company (video, website, prerecorded line)
  3. They only move forward if they like the intro.  If they do...
  4. Full presentation (longer video, webinar, live presentation).
  5. They decide product user or business builder.
So long answer to how to close people, but you are simply guiding people through the process.

Start guiding!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Roberto Monaco Live

Last night we did our regular training following the business overview and our guest speaker was Roberto Monaco.  I told people throughout the day whether they were in our business or not that they should attend because we can all learn particular skills that help us in our every day lives and business.  Last night he spoke on the topic of Storyselling.  Quite amazing.  The 30+ that came got a $1000 seminar for FREE.

Roberto arrived in America in 1995 with no money, no connections, no friends...and wait there's more-- not a word of English.  By 2002 he was a full time speaker, has conducted over 3000 seminars and has worked with the Anthony Robbins Companies for 6 years before Co-Founding InfluenceOlogy.  InfluenceOlogy coaches and trains on influence, presentation and marketing skills for sales professional, entrepreneurs and executives.

I'm attending his January workshop and it's limited to 20 as it's very hands on. Come hang out with us.  By the way, did you know that your income is usually within 5%+- of those you hang out with.  Think about that for 2013!

If you'd like to get your feet wet and try some of his introductory things first, immerse yourself in one of these:

Our profession is quite amazing as it allows us to continually grow both personally and financially with no limitations.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fast Forward Your Business Online

Regardless of whether you are in the network marketing profession, real estate, insurance  - doesn't matter.  You can benefit from understanding how to tap into the online world.  I used to resist it and now it provides business daily for me.

Start your New Year off right- get trained now to master it and bare minimum tap into the almost 1 billion users on Facebook!  

Start here:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Skills Necessary with Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

I lost track of what number lesson we're on so we'll just keep rolling.  One of the many things I subscribe to and suggest you do is Tom "Big Al" Schreiter's blog which is invaluable.  Go now to his

I love his quote on one of his blog entries:  "Everybody does network marketing every day, but they just don't get paid for it.  We constantly recommend restraurants, music CD's, movies, and places to go shopping and even places to take vacations.  Recommending and promoting is in our blood.  That means every prospect you talk to does network marketing, right?  So why not give your prospect a choice he cant' refuse?"

Script:  "You already to network marketing every day.  You can get paid for it...or you can continue doing it for free.  The choice is up to you.  And if you choose to continue doing it for free, that's okay.  Charity work is good.  It makes the world a better place."

...and then guess what -let the prospect decide?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Key word...CHOOSE.

"Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life."
Joel Osteen 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Skills Necessary Part 4

We've thrown out some very important skills for parts 1-3 having to do with finding prospects, inviting and presenting.  Follow up is a huge one.  I've actually heard prospects say to me - well if so and so can't even call me back ... or follow up on their sample they left...then how serious can they be?

People expect you to follow up as a professional.  Now, you don't want to be chasing...ever.  If you chase, they run.  If you follow the proper pattern of activities and point them in the right direction they'll be chasing you.  I use a simple 3-3-3 system.  If I call someone 3 times (three weeks in a row so once per week follow up) without a return of any kind,  I then move out 3 months.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bermuda Approaching 150

In the last 60 days we've seen the Bermuda group grow to 133+ strong so this week more than likely past 150.  Is it about geographic location?  Never.  It's always about WHO.  We've learned over the last 3 years since going full time in this profession that one, two or a handful of core people can and will change the make up of an organization.

As a result of a few core people in Bermuda, we'll surpass 150 people this month and earnings per person on the island for a few have reached over $2000, over $4000 and even two over $7000.  Not bad for the Bermudians launching their business within the last 60 days!

Congrats Team Bermuda

 Two top earners in Bermuda - Lane Martin (above) and Saadia & Detroy Bean (below)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Skills Necessary Part 3

Continuing with our thoughts on the necessary skill sets for you professionals in Network Marketing:

The word presenting sometimes scares people but when you come to understand that in our profession the ideal way to present is to simply point to a tool, it takes 100% of the pressure away.  This is simply about moving your best and brightest candidates through a logical pattern of activities which is done by pointing to a tool - a video, a webinar, a brochure, a website ...never you personally.  Remain system driven versus personality driven.

You can start by pointing to the Wednesday night Overview webinar followed by an amazing training for anyone in any business at 8:40pm EST as Roberto Monaco starts his 3 part 30 min training series for you.  He's a pro at teaching you how to Present and be an Influencer!

Business Overview 8pm EST , Training 8:40pm EST

Video Marketing

My good friend Roberto Monaco can teach you how to be a master marketer via simple videos.  With the wide reach of Facebook and other social media, don't be left behind!