If you are a network marketer presently, did you absolutely love your results in 2012? If not, it's very simple. Become 100% committed to improving YOU. When you improve YOU by daily reading, cd's and videos you become more valuable to your team. When you become more valuable to your team - your income goes up.
Can you imagine starting 2013 knowing that there's a ceiling on your income because you have to go to a JOB? No thanks. We get to continuously improve ourselves and at the same time increase our income.

So to get new results in 2013, we've got to learn new skills.
I love http://www.NetworkMarketingPro.com because Eric Worre delivers great content and has for over three years and you can enjoy it for FREE. "Big Al" also has awesome content on his site at http://www.FortuneNow.com. It's out there guys, just find it and enjoy the ride.
One more thing...why the heck would you wait for the 1st of January. If you just decided this is your year then say out loud right now
HAPPY NEW YEAR and start now.
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