Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Power of the Organizer

As we are rolling into the last quarter, I got to thinking about the Power of the Organizer.  All successful people I’ve had the pleasure of shadowing, coaching or simply speaking to have one common thread – they are great organizers.  Organizers of resources, people, time, money, energy, etc..  Today more than ever the Power of the Organizer is much more important than a lot of other traits.  This is mainly because the cost of doing business everywhere has really increased:  the cost to pay help, to do mailings, etc…the cost just to operate.

Tom Monohan of Dominos Pizza was quoted saying “You know we could have 9,000 units instead of 3,000 units just as easily.  The only thing stopping us is we can’t get anybody to work to deliver the pizzas.” 

When I ran across that quote it made me think a little about all of the ventures that Kim and I have been involved in over the years compared to CieAura.  … some with only minimal to no results.  In the real estate business, for example,  we were teaching others what we know in the residential investment field.  We had 3-5 of us working on it and we were able to sell our services (coaching, really) to a few individuals and it was just OK.  Now, that sucked up inordinate amounts of time and resources and I would say we were not in the Power Organizer category. 

From 2008-2012 we built a team in 15 Countries that numbered almost 30,000 from all around the world that tirelessly worked on a common mission – that dwarfed anything that we had originally tried to do in real estate and other ventures.  Well, we cannot take all the credit for it and can only point to the team leaders and the systems that were in place - super organized and system driven.  It’s a game plan Guys that does not allow us to waste any resources whatsoever and remain extremely organized.  This is so systematic that when we left that company because of internal integrity issues with the management, we started replicating the same thing with a far superior company and in just 6 weeks have just under 1000 people in our organization in several different Countries.

See, the Power of the Organizer is not to be taken lightly.  When you look at your day right now, are you maximizing absolutely every resource…or are some being wasted?  Are you super organized?  Are you engaged ONLY in high payoff activities?  I.e. Real Estate:  prospecting, followup, listing appointments, etc..  In CieAura it’s sharing the amazing opportunity and the amazing product line in a  capacity that supports your goals (2/day, 3/day, 5/day), it’s presenting (1/1, 2/1, webinars, in homes), follow up, learning skills, etc..

Be the super Organizer and stay systems driven.

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