What if you only changed one new thing per month. What if you only added one new discipline per month? How far ahead would you be starting next year (next week, next month) with 12 new disciplines…12 new ideas – just think of the potential growth!
I’m constantly working on adding new and better disciplines – it doesn’t stop – it’s not a “project” …it’s an ongoing process!
On your Power of One Discipline Chart ™ chart I give you a template of disciplines that you can use, I give you blanks to add your own and I even included some samples of mine so you can perhaps think of others that are applicable to you. I encourage you to start this TODAY.
Now… Let’s say you have your own business or you’re starting a new business or you’re just looking for some personal ideas– here are some things to consider adding.
- 3 calls/day for new business. I don’t care what business you’re in, you can call three new people – three new businesses – three new prospects-whatever it is that can add new potential business for you – what is that for you? (For me: 30+ contacts daily is my standard when not traveling but I started with the 3 discipline)
- Raise your bar by adding to your reading daily (or start if you don’t now).
- In addition to reading perhaps in your area of expertise, how about if you role play or practice in your area of expertise daily (i.e. real estate scripts, network marketing scripts, etc..)
- Daily (or weekly) accountability partner (I pick 1-3 in my industry that have accomplished what I want and speak to them minimum weekly)
- Substitute – i.e. If you currently get up and go to breakfast or grab coffee now…How about you substitute a Work out and then have something healthy to eat. For me it’s a healthy shake in the morning followed by our high end medicinal teas. Simple substitutions will change your health forever!
- Start reading and working on your mind – not “I’m going to read more”, but “I’m going to read 10 mins per night” – if you are already there- RAISE THAT BAR! There’s a reading list on this blog to get you started if you need ideas.
Make that chart a two minute task each night by being accountable to yourself and filling in the ones you did. You’ll notice on the left hand side after your discipline item there is a goal column. This goal column is where you’ll put how many of that item you’ll be looking to accomplish this month. For example, if you want to do a cardio workout and you’re not looking to do it all 30 or 31 days, but would like to set a goal for 3 days per week- then you’d put 12 in that column. Then at the end of month you’ll track the “actual” column which is to the far right.
WHAT CAN YOU TACKLE TODAY? SHORT STEPS! If you’ve never done any of these things, don’t kill yourself and beat yourself up and say..”I’m going to call 20 people starting today (even though you haven’t called anyone ever – or perhaps one every third day or something like that)..or I’m going to read a book a week starting now (even though you haven’t built up to 5 mins per day yet – start slow but START and keep it at a level that you can stay steady with. Soon increasing by small increments (just a little bit outside your comfort zone) will be very VERY easy and rewarding. (i.e. 12 calls then 25 then 36 then 50 then 100-125 was a joke).
So what else can you do starting today? Regardless of what business you’re in – there is an activity, a person you can call or something that will make a major impact on your business if you act on it today – What is that for you?
Those that are succeeding in any business and in life in general have simply decided to do some things that others are not doing. Take just that two minutes nightly or each morning – whatever works for you – and track your disciplines.
After 30-60 days your new discipline will soon become a habit and does not need to stay on the list once you feel it’s on auto pilot. For example, reading daily and reading A LOT is no longer necessary for me to place on my discipline chart. It was, however, for over 6 months until it became a well engrained habit.
Track your day – what we track grows
All this sounds like work – daily disciplines are actually easy - what’s hard is accumulating all kinds of things that you didn’t do – and then trying to tackle all of them – THAT’S HARD WORK. ….and you’ll also say after months of NOT putting new disciplines in place “I wish I had”. Don’t get caught in that WISH SYNDROME. Let’s not ever get caught up in that “Wishing and Shoulding all over ourselves”
You’ll never change your business or your life until you change Something you do today. What ONE can you start today by adding it to your Power of One Daily Discipline Chart ™
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