"For some, heading to work is akin to heading to jail -- they fell like they have to 'serve' their time on the job. They're trying to escape their work rather than embrace it. I'm so thankful every day that I sit down behind my desk, I'm excited to be there."
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Russell Simmons' book "Super Rich"
I'm 1/2 way through Russell Simmons' book and came across a paragraph that really drives home the gift we have in our profession to help so many people lead more fulfilling lives, enjoy their "work" more and generally be happier!
"For some, heading to work is akin to heading to jail -- they fell like they have to 'serve' their time on the job. They're trying to escape their work rather than embrace it. I'm so thankful every day that I sit down behind my desk, I'm excited to be there."
"For some, heading to work is akin to heading to jail -- they fell like they have to 'serve' their time on the job. They're trying to escape their work rather than embrace it. I'm so thankful every day that I sit down behind my desk, I'm excited to be there."
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Regardless of what business you're in ...NEVER run out of prospects
So many of you have been asking me how Kim & I are generating online leads for our business.
The system is now wait listing people for the next big release but you'll want to know the second they start selling it again as it totally transformed our ability to NEVER run out of names...ever...by utilizing the internet. click here and get on the wait list as it will be limited when it does release again. Click the link below:
In the mean time, however, start attracting leads NOW with the basic Online Mastery Course I started with the basic Online Mastery Course: CLICK HERE and put your biz on FAST TRACK
Are you with Lifters or Leaners?
If you’ve
listened to any of my trainings you know I’m a big believer of being careful
who you hang with, who you do business with and who you allow to influence you.
I pose these
questions often:
Who do I hang out with?
What do they have me
What do they have me saying?
Where do they have me going?
What do they have me thinking?
Because of this exposure
, who am I becoming?
Who is filling your bucket
and with what?
...are you happy with that?
Look at
what John Alexandrov (Internationally Recognized Speaker and Author) and Darren Lacroix (2001 World Champion Speaker &
Author) have to say about our systems.
consider Chris Prefontaine to be a
master goal setter and achiever. If you
want to experience the highest levels of success, let Chris show you the way.”
John Alexandrov , CEO Legacy Capital Solutions LLC ,
Author, Speaker
programs and teachings are incredible.
Well worth your time. Chris
guides you step by step as you search yourself.
These are essential first steps to whatever you want to achieve. I listen to some of Chris’s programs each
year when I set my new plan for the year.
It is priceless…”
can get a FREE copy of my e-book by emailing me at ChrisPre@ChrisPrefontaine.com
do you hang out with Lifters who
empower you and encourage you or do you hang out with Leaners who suck the life out of you?
Friday, September 28, 2012
Jacksonville, Florida Launch
Pretty cool mix of high quality, energetic people in Jax last night. With #1 earner JT flying in Wednesday and most guests from last night joining, we're on our way guys!
For anyone that missed it, tune into our Saturday 4pm EST live Webinar! www.CieAura.Ivocalize.net.
Nice job to Tommy Lloyd and Chris Carter for hosting a great class act event.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Our Friends in Bermuda
We've started our launch in Bermuda and look forward to working with many of you throughout the remainder of 2012 and beyond.
Enjoy this quick video: (paste into browser)
John F Kennedy's Commitment to Learning
A few years
ago I had the fortunate experience of spending a few days with a large group of
entrepreneurs and generally highly successful people. This event was Dan Kennedy’s Super Conference. During those few days I was challenged to
think about my business and my personal and business plans. I’ve now seen Dan and his group several times
and each time I walk away feeling like I took a drink with a fire hose. At the same time, I always walk away thinking
huge and with more clarity as it is always good to learn certainly but as
important is to learn away from our immediate work environment.
to immersing myself in that event, I completed a book on the way back on the
plane that I really enjoyed. The book is
“The Lessons and Legacy of a President:
John F. Kennedy on Leadership” by John A Barnes. In Chapter 7 it references the importance of
learning –mostly self learning and self teaching.
The Chapter
starts out with JFK’s quote: “There’s no school for presidents
either. We’ll learn together.” He said this to Robert McNamara, who said
he didn’t feel qualified to be defense secretary. Many times in the past it has come up in
conversations that the various businesses Kim and I have participated in have absolutely nothing to do with what I
learned in college. Although college
gives the proper tools to many that that’s a fit for, you should avoid getting
bogged down in the diploma and the details and, as a general rule, you can
never learn too much about your line of work – which starts after college for
those that choose to go. Information and
skills are only as good as the uses to which you put them. Kennedy was not afraid of using new
information to changes his mind about an issue or of learning new skills to
help him do his job better. He
continuously challenged himself with never ending improvement. Being able to learn new facts and immerse
yourself with others that do the same and step back to see if your assumptions
are correct is essential for success and even more essential if you’re in a
leadership position.
One of my
friends and mentors, Todd Smith (www.LittleThingsMatter.com),
taught me back in 2008 when I entered the network marketing profession again
that our checks will always be directly related to our commitment to personal
development and developing and refining the skillsets for our given
profession. I challenge myself
constantly so that I can be in a better position to teach others, to coach
others, to speak from the stage and to generally keep the ball moving forward
relative to my learning curve. As we
teach others to do the same, we insure constant and never ending increases in
peoples’ income.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Kim Prefontaine & Chris Prefontaine
Inn at Castle Hill, Newport RI
Best Places to be while working!
Thank you Brian Cummings for all the Newport filming.
Family Time
Missing a few members here in this pic from the fam, but just taking some time to grab a breakfast on the water in Warren, RI with Nick, Kim, Kim's parents. Great little place- probably the last time for the season because we came by water!
Family and health...
Family and health...
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Dr. Ming Wu - CieAura
Chinese Medical Doctor, Acupuncturist, Energy Healer, Tea Master, Herbalist...
A Doctor's Perspective - Dr. Francisco Gutierrez & CieAura
Enjoy his video clips.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Can Education Provide Everything?
I attended a private High School which to this day I appreciate and value and I also attended 4 years of college. You could say, then, that I'm a product of our education system. So many people are disillusioned by the fact that it is the ONLY answer, however. They think it will lead to higher wages automatically which in some cases it can...short term and with limitations. College can actually create limitations in our minds if we're not careful - by teaching us what is possible (supposedly) and what isn't. Many educated people never move past that indoctrination.
Think and Grow Rich is not a book found in schools and believing that nothing is impossible is not a subject that is taught in school. What is reality though? Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!
I learned my success skills in Network Marketing and in the real world - not at my college or high school despite how great they were. Skills like attitude, belief, understanding the law of attraction, people skills, goal-setting, leadership skills, tenacity, persistence, handling disappointment, how to motivate & inspire others. I could go on and on relative to what the Network Marketing Profession teaches. We are a leadership, teaching & coaching business! Get in the profession, stay in the profession and show others how to do the same!
Think and Grow Rich is not a book found in schools and believing that nothing is impossible is not a subject that is taught in school. What is reality though? Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!
I learned my success skills in Network Marketing and in the real world - not at my college or high school despite how great they were. Skills like attitude, belief, understanding the law of attraction, people skills, goal-setting, leadership skills, tenacity, persistence, handling disappointment, how to motivate & inspire others. I could go on and on relative to what the Network Marketing Profession teaches. We are a leadership, teaching & coaching business! Get in the profession, stay in the profession and show others how to do the same!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
8 Things to Create More Accountability & Insure Enormous Success
we are finally past the summer and that is when sometimes people get a bit laid back, it becomes super important for us to go back to the basics - especially for those of you that did kick it back a notch during the summer!
One of those basics is holding ourselves
accountable as well as using an accountability partner to help increase
personally use the Power of One Daily
discipline sheet to hold myself
accountable. There are eight other
suggestions I have as well and I’ll give you those today:
What are the eight
things you can do to create more accountability?
accountable to your kids or spouse or significant other – or all of them! They get rewards for holding you accountable.
I.E. calls per day, calls per day = day trip or vacation.
every hour at zero. Start every day at
zero. You come out of the gate
strong. i.e. Starting a new project
strong, fresh.
a goal chart at home for the family to get involved. Goal sessions with poster boards as well. We did this with the kids when they were growing up and they are both super goal oriented and organized now.
your assistant (or someone else) if you don’t prospect, or do whatever it is
you must do daily. Let someone shadow you.
You will tend to perform better when someone is watching you.
a coach $500-$1000 or more per month to coach you. Now, regardless of who your coach is – do you
think you’ll be a little more accountable to them? I have never NOT had a coach since 1995. When my coach tells me to do something I not
only do it but I report back and ask for constant feedback. Do you think if I told you you could add 20%,
30% even 100% to your income this year and gave you a plan to do so you’d avoid
doing those activities? I tend to doubt
it. Coaching is by far THE MOST
effective means for you to (a) hold yourself accountable and (b) break through
to personal, income & mental levels you’ve never reached prior to now. Punch line with this one: the Network Marketing Profession offers that for FREE.
your daily income goal. I even suggest
posting your hourly goal. Everyone
figures it a little differently depending upon how much time they plan to take
off, etc..) but mine is approximately $1350/hour. Do you think it helps me stay on task, stay
focused and to work on my most high priority high payoff items? You bet it does. I have index cards with that hourly rate
written on it at my office in RI, in my closet and in my pocket.
your schedule and tell everyone about it.
Visual subconscious and built in accountability. I have always circulated my schedule to my
assistant and several of my partners. It not only got them all thinking – wow – I
need to do that (which helps everyone as a team be more productive), but it
also helps me add – yet again – more accountability and accountability
8. Accountability Partners. you can have one for your weekly goals, your monthly goals, reading goals - almost anything you want.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
CieAura Top 10 Watch List - September
What does it take to get the "Top 10" monthly?
Team Work!
I have taught the elements of network marketing now for 7 years as of next month and when all the elements align perfectly, it's nice. When all the elements align perfectly and you have a proven TEAM, huge!
Congratulations to Dr. and Eleonora Gutierrez, Chris Carter & Tommy Lloyd and Christos Kapetanios for getting on the Top 10 watch list so far for September. No pressure but you have people chasing you and it's only 19th of September. It's focused sprint time!
The Top 10 Pool of $5000 is split monthly between the top 10 new volume producers. I know without the $500 bonus Christos is over $4100 earned and has 3 days left in his first 30 day sprint with us.
Join us today for a live webinar at 9am EST or 9pm EST. Click the link to the right or here: www.CieAura.Ivocalize.net
Friday, September 14, 2012
Chris Prefontaine Webinar Replays
CieAura Business Overview -30 minutes:
Four Year Career Plan Webinar Training
Join us this Saturday and EVERY Saturday at 4pm EST for a live Business Overview, Q&A and Training.
Kim Prefontaine & Chris Prefontaine Launch CieAura Rhode Island
Ya know I was driving to the meeting last night with Kim and I said - "wouldn't it be cool if we had 19 people because in July '08 we had 19 people at a launch with Jerry Yerke (then VP of Lifemax) and Paul Rogers (then CEO of Lifemax) and that morphed into 28,000+ organization in 40 months."
Well, we arrive and get started and there's 18 and then a 19th came. History is repeating itself with President JY and COO Paul Rogers and Kim and I & Dr. G and Eleonora and Dr. Ming! The difference is that we're already in 56 Countries ,about to be 57 with Brazil and the corporate staff with the main 4 have over 100 years of experience. It will be an absolutely amazing few years. Don't miss out!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Listen to Christos Kapetanio on Audio
How did you make $4155 in 15 days, 3 hours?
A few days ago I posted a congrats to Christos Kapetanio for achieving the Four Star Rank at CieAura and for earning $4100+ in just 15 days. Listen here as he tells how he did it and join him at his Steak House on Monday 17 of September for his Grand Opening.
For a special sneak peak prior to then, join us Wednesday night 6pm PST, 9pm EST for a live 35 minute webinar...or Saturday at 4pm EST, 1pm PST.
Paste this link in your browser or click on the right side panel on this block -----
Allow a few minutes for the Java to download.
Type name when prompted.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
3 Reasons Why Most Aren't Wealthy!
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- Afraid to pay the price. A lot of this comes from the inability to delay gratification. Our profession is a fantastic example. There literally is not a person that cannot have success if they just apply themselves consistently and stick with it for long enough to make a difference. My opinion is 3 years.
- Are you talking to me? The average person grows up not meeting and hanging out with and getting advice from wealthy people or seeking out mentors and role models. So...it ends up kind of like a "Are you talking to me? I didn't know I could!"
- Decide. Now that's simple :). We can hear stories, read books and listen to tapes all week long (I highly recommend that) but nothing is going to happen until we absolutely resolve to be wealthy!
If you are not presently in a vehicle that will get you there, take care of the above three...then find the right company in our profession and get to work. Donald Trump, Robert Kyosaki and Richard Branson all agree!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
New England Launch
Chris & Kim Prefontaine, Jerry Yerke (President) & Dr. and Eleonora Gutierrez
Thursday 13 September - Marriott Courtyard Middletown RI
To RSVP email chrispre@chrisprefontaine.com
Listen to the call replay to learn more: 712.432.1280, PIN 126326# - Select #
Friday, September 7, 2012
15 days, 3 hrs - $4155 Earned! Christos Kapetanio
Sure beats a job...
Congrats Christos Kapetanio from San Diego-Well Done!
There are some things I just don't understand:
I don't understand why some people get up every day not liking what they do for work.
I don't understand why some people spend time all day at work with people they don't enjoy hanging out with.
I don't understand why some people settle for 1-4 weeks of paid vacation yearly.
I don't understand why people continue doing the exact same thing they've done for past 6 months and expect a different result for the next six months!
I say "some people" because I know it's not everyone so no need to email or private message saying you were offended and that you're happy. If you're happy, that's awesome. If you fall in the categories above, as Eric Worre says, WE HAVE A BETTER WAY FOLKS! Take a look.
OK I'll stop the rant. For more info just join us this Saturday at 4pm ESt for 30 minutes on a live webinar.
Click this link or paste it in your browser 15 minutes prior to start time so the Java will download and enter name when prompted: www.CieAura.Ivocalize.net
Imagine if 30 minutes could cause you to change your life...cool thought!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
What are some things that you know you haven’t been doing that you know would improve your health, your business, your social affairs, your family, etc. –any area of your life - but you just haven’t done so.
What if you only changed one new thing per month. What if you only added one new discipline per month? How far ahead would you be starting next year (next week, next month) with 12 new disciplines…12 new ideas – just think of the potential growth!
I’m constantly working on adding new and better disciplines – it doesn’t stop – it’s not a “project” …it’s an ongoing process!
On your Power of One Discipline Chart ™ chart I give you a template of disciplines that you can use, I give you blanks to add your own and I even included some samples of mine so you can perhaps think of others that are applicable to you. I encourage you to start this TODAY.
Now… Let’s say you have your own business or you’re starting a new business or you’re just looking for some personal ideas– here are some things to consider adding.
Make that chart a two minute task each night by being accountable to yourself and filling in the ones you did. You’ll notice on the left hand side after your discipline item there is a goal column. This goal column is where you’ll put how many of that item you’ll be looking to accomplish this month. For example, if you want to do a cardio workout and you’re not looking to do it all 30 or 31 days, but would like to set a goal for 3 days per week- then you’d put 12 in that column. Then at the end of month you’ll track the “actual” column which is to the far right.
WHAT CAN YOU TACKLE TODAY? SHORT STEPS! If you’ve never done any of these things, don’t kill yourself and beat yourself up and say..”I’m going to call 20 people starting today (even though you haven’t called anyone ever – or perhaps one every third day or something like that)..or I’m going to read a book a week starting now (even though you haven’t built up to 5 mins per day yet – start slow but START and keep it at a level that you can stay steady with. Soon increasing by small increments (just a little bit outside your comfort zone) will be very VERY easy and rewarding. (i.e. 12 calls then 25 then 36 then 50 then 100-125 was a joke).
So what else can you do starting today? Regardless of what business you’re in – there is an activity, a person you can call or something that will make a major impact on your business if you act on it today – What is that for you?
Those that are succeeding in any business and in life in general have simply decided to do some things that others are not doing. Take just that two minutes nightly or each morning – whatever works for you – and track your disciplines.
After 30-60 days your new discipline will soon become a habit and does not need to stay on the list once you feel it’s on auto pilot. For example, reading daily and reading A LOT is no longer necessary for me to place on my discipline chart. It was, however, for over 6 months until it became a well engrained habit.
Track your day – what we track grows
All this sounds like work – daily disciplines are actually easy - what’s hard is accumulating all kinds of things that you didn’t do – and then trying to tackle all of them – THAT’S HARD WORK. ….and you’ll also say after months of NOT putting new disciplines in place “I wish I had”. Don’t get caught in that WISH SYNDROME. Let’s not ever get caught up in that “Wishing and Shoulding all over ourselves”
You’ll never change your business or your life until you change Something you do today. What ONE can you start today by adding it to your Power of One Daily Discipline Chart ™
What if you only changed one new thing per month. What if you only added one new discipline per month? How far ahead would you be starting next year (next week, next month) with 12 new disciplines…12 new ideas – just think of the potential growth!
I’m constantly working on adding new and better disciplines – it doesn’t stop – it’s not a “project” …it’s an ongoing process!
On your Power of One Discipline Chart ™ chart I give you a template of disciplines that you can use, I give you blanks to add your own and I even included some samples of mine so you can perhaps think of others that are applicable to you. I encourage you to start this TODAY.
Now… Let’s say you have your own business or you’re starting a new business or you’re just looking for some personal ideas– here are some things to consider adding.
- 3 calls/day for new business. I don’t care what business you’re in, you can call three new people – three new businesses – three new prospects-whatever it is that can add new potential business for you – what is that for you? (For me: 30+ contacts daily is my standard when not traveling but I started with the 3 discipline)
- Raise your bar by adding to your reading daily (or start if you don’t now).
- In addition to reading perhaps in your area of expertise, how about if you role play or practice in your area of expertise daily (i.e. real estate scripts, network marketing scripts, etc..)
- Daily (or weekly) accountability partner (I pick 1-3 in my industry that have accomplished what I want and speak to them minimum weekly)
- Substitute – i.e. If you currently get up and go to breakfast or grab coffee now…How about you substitute a Work out and then have something healthy to eat. For me it’s a healthy shake in the morning followed by our high end medicinal teas. Simple substitutions will change your health forever!
- Start reading and working on your mind – not “I’m going to read more”, but “I’m going to read 10 mins per night” – if you are already there- RAISE THAT BAR! There’s a reading list on this blog to get you started if you need ideas.
Make that chart a two minute task each night by being accountable to yourself and filling in the ones you did. You’ll notice on the left hand side after your discipline item there is a goal column. This goal column is where you’ll put how many of that item you’ll be looking to accomplish this month. For example, if you want to do a cardio workout and you’re not looking to do it all 30 or 31 days, but would like to set a goal for 3 days per week- then you’d put 12 in that column. Then at the end of month you’ll track the “actual” column which is to the far right.
WHAT CAN YOU TACKLE TODAY? SHORT STEPS! If you’ve never done any of these things, don’t kill yourself and beat yourself up and say..”I’m going to call 20 people starting today (even though you haven’t called anyone ever – or perhaps one every third day or something like that)..or I’m going to read a book a week starting now (even though you haven’t built up to 5 mins per day yet – start slow but START and keep it at a level that you can stay steady with. Soon increasing by small increments (just a little bit outside your comfort zone) will be very VERY easy and rewarding. (i.e. 12 calls then 25 then 36 then 50 then 100-125 was a joke).
So what else can you do starting today? Regardless of what business you’re in – there is an activity, a person you can call or something that will make a major impact on your business if you act on it today – What is that for you?
Those that are succeeding in any business and in life in general have simply decided to do some things that others are not doing. Take just that two minutes nightly or each morning – whatever works for you – and track your disciplines.
After 30-60 days your new discipline will soon become a habit and does not need to stay on the list once you feel it’s on auto pilot. For example, reading daily and reading A LOT is no longer necessary for me to place on my discipline chart. It was, however, for over 6 months until it became a well engrained habit.
Track your day – what we track grows
All this sounds like work – daily disciplines are actually easy - what’s hard is accumulating all kinds of things that you didn’t do – and then trying to tackle all of them – THAT’S HARD WORK. ….and you’ll also say after months of NOT putting new disciplines in place “I wish I had”. Don’t get caught in that WISH SYNDROME. Let’s not ever get caught up in that “Wishing and Shoulding all over ourselves”
You’ll never change your business or your life until you change Something you do today. What ONE can you start today by adding it to your Power of One Daily Discipline Chart ™
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Dr. Francisco Gutierrez Joins CieAura
Dr G stopped by my condo this weekend so I said - let's let people know why you're so excited and why you resigned as a medical board member at Lifemax to be here with Kim and I, Paul Rogers and JY at CieAura. Interestingly enough, the old team is coming together quite nicely.
To learn more about CieAura you can use the links to the right on this blog or listen to the replay of the live call: 712.432.1280, PIN: 126326# and select # to hear latest recording.
Speaking in Public Feared More than Death!
Statistics Say the Fear of Speaking in Public is #1 Fear Ahead of Death!
The good news is that you can get super comfortable with it!
Visit my friend, 2001 World Champion and speaking mentor and coach and learn how:
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