Wednesday, February 1, 2012

With the Benefit of Hindsight

This is from Win: The Key Principles to Take Your Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary
and quoted from Steve Wynn - great Casino and Resort developer. It's funny because perfectionists are always looking to improve and grow. In the midst of the change I hear myself saying to people "...with the benefit of hindsight we are building differently now..." based on our experience.

"My thing, that aspect of my life that describes my passion and gives me the most pleasure, is in dreaming up this stuff. I guess that's because I've always thought of myself as a student of all this. So when the places are done, whether it's Mirage or Bellagio, Treasure Island or Golden Nugget, unfortunately, I would see the mistakes we had made, or the opportunities that we hadn't really taken advantage of properly. And I'd say,'Boy, oh, boy, I wish I could do that over again. I wish I had one more chance.' Because I'm always thinking that if I could do one more hotel, maybe, just maybe the next time I could get it right."

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