Whatever product or service you are involved in, ask yourself a simple question: Does the world know about your brand solely through traditional media advertising and promotion OR do you rely on effective and efficient word-of-mouth advertising?
I remember cold calling in the late 90’s in my real estate business when I was selling 100 homes yearly. Then right around the time I sold to Coldwell Banker in 2000, they started getting tighter on the laws, rules & regulations for “Do Not Call” list and other restrictions.
If tomorrow Congress passes a law that makes TV, radio, billboards, and print ads illegal, would your company survive? Well, it’s not quite a law yet but consumers are bullet proofing themselves to those traditional methods of reaching them.
Network marketing has moved from approximately $120 Billion in goods and services in 2008 to $200 Billion in 2010. Don’t let it pass you by! Why would you want to be in an industry that makes you feel like you’re swimming against the tide? In the late 80’s and early 2000’s in real estate, if you could fog a mirror you could make tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands per month.
The time has come for Network Marketing and you should pick which company best suits you and engage at some level. It relies on the powerful word of mouth movement and gathers fans faster than any other method of distribution. Oh, and by the way, you can create true walk away income that acts like an annuity when you build it properly.