Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What do you think of this.....

As Kim and I travel we hear all kinds of questions about “What do you think of this idea….”, or “Do you think this would work…”.

Well, have a look at Eric’s video from this week as this is CRITICAL to our success and to keeping us off the treadmill and on the wealth creation path:

Network Marketing is not Easy…Should it be?

An excerpt from Seth Godin’s “Poke the Box”:  “Ditch digging is not scarce.  It’s not hard at all to find manual labor at minimum wage, which is precisely why manual labor gets paid minimum wage.  It’s extremely difficult to find smart people willing to start useful projects.  Because sometimes what you start doesn’t work.  The fact that it doesn’t work every time should give you confidence, because it means you’re doing something that frightens others.”

Is Network Marketing supposed to be easy?  Definitely not.  If it was easy then the incredible upside would not be possible.  If you want to have enormous success in any industry, be certain to be moving in the opposite direction of the masses…be willing to do every single day what others are not will to do so you can have what others won’t for the rest of your life.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Why You Should Hit the Restart Button (Colorado Recap )

Hi All – sorry for no video footage for the past few weeks.  I let Ron Druyan keep my camera when he extended his stay in Israel so he could film all of our training videos in Hebrew.  I”ll get back to them by the 21st.

Kim and I just returned from a busy trip to Lisa Hemetter’s group in Colorado.  They had us set up every hour on the hour on Friday 11th with distributor coaching, then all morning same on Saturday 12th and then the fantastic Super Saturday in the afternoon followed by a pot luck dinner hosted by Deborah and John Weller.

As distributors, we sometimes assume that because the systems training is in place and because we have things like Getting Started emails and other things on IGoDiamond members area, everyone will follow it.  Well, we’re all human so that’s just not the case.  We can all have a tendency to get side tracked and distracted by the minutia and by what sometimes may seem as the easier road to success, despite the obvious clear path blazed by many already.

Lessons learned and what you can do about it:

  • There are still too many people who have not properly completed the Getting Started Steps and engaged in a proper Strategy/Orientation call or meeting with their sponsor.  Hit restart and do that now.

  • There are still too many people who have been in the business longer than 90 days and have not yet gone through any of the archived go diamond audio calls in the members area and the video training in the members area.  Schedule time to do that starting this week- 15 minutes per day.
  •  There are too many people leading with the product because it’s easier and because we have such an amazing product.  If your goal is to build a customer base, that works.  The large majority of people we met, however, want to build an organization.  In that case, spend literally 60 seconds with your candidate and get them to a sizzle call or place a cd in their hand.
  • Many distributors are talking too much.  There are amazing tools are your disposal so if you find yourself talking and being the message I promise you that you’re scaring the prospect, not attracting them.  Keep it simple and be the conduit to the system and message versus being the message yourself.
5.    For those that are in day 1-90 as a new distributor, all are not doing email recaps. If you are 90 days or less, be sure to send a daily recap to your upline.

I hope that helps you understand not only what Kim and I do daily, but also how to hit RESTART and create an outstanding business for you and your family!

Why is Network Marketing Booming?

Whatever product or service you are involved in, ask yourself a simple question:  Does the world know about your brand solely through traditional media advertising and promotion OR do you rely on effective and efficient word-of-mouth advertising?  

I remember cold calling in the late 90’s in my real estate business when I was selling 100 homes yearly.  Then right around the time I sold to Coldwell Banker in 2000, they started getting tighter on the laws, rules & regulations for “Do Not Call” list and other restrictions.

If tomorrow Congress passes a law that makes TV, radio, billboards, and print ads illegal, would your company survive?  Well, it’s not quite a law yet but consumers are bullet proofing themselves to those traditional methods of reaching them. 
Network marketing has moved from approximately $120 Billion in goods and services in 2008 to $200 Billion in 2010.  Don’t let it pass you by!  Why would you want to be in an industry that makes you feel like you’re swimming against the tide?  In the late 80’s and early 2000’s in real estate, if you could fog a mirror you could make tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands per month.  

The time has come for Network Marketing and you should pick which company best suits you and engage at some level.  It relies on the powerful word of mouth movement and gathers fans faster than any other method of distribution.  Oh, and by the way, you can create true walk away income that acts like an annuity when you build it properly.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Israel Lessons and Experiences

Some of these experiences will help you build in any market and in any Country.

The first trip in December was all about opening and starting a brand new market. It consisted of meetings at the hotel where we stayed and distributors Assaf Etzion and Ron Druyan and a few other emerging leaders filling time slots around the clock every hour.  The goal of these meetings was to start a few new people who would in between our visits take the message home and spread the word via DVD and/or webinars. 

Unfortunately we had to build and grow without the DVD as it was delayed in production. The efforts after we left were resting solely on Assaf's presentations and webinars.  We left in December with the goal of reaching 5000-10,000 bv weekly by March and 25,000 weekly or higher by end of summer. 

The week we arrived Ron and Assaf’s group did just under 7000 bv, and then 5000 bv the week we left. This week will surpass 7000 bv again- making it’s way past 10,000 bv – BINGO!

When we returned in February, a few new fire crackers had started prior to our visit so it was no longer about one persons’ efforts.  We did meetings in 4 different cities (not just one) and started many great new distributors who now have the luxury of a new DVD.  We’re in the midst of getting training set up and translated in Hebrew so Ron Druyan is rather busy with filming.  The DVD, just like in any market – along with the webinars, can be used to spread the message and not be the message.  So some take aways for you to build any market:
  •         Build and sponsor local, but think global.  Your business will find it’s way to other markets.  You just keep building local.
  •         Never be the message.  Use the tools provided so everyone who meets you is thinking “I can do that.
  •         Set up Systems (you have the luxury in the U.S. of that already being done for you) so that your group replicates and grows on it’s own.
  •          Don’t travel to or show up in a market that has not had the proper activity happening and proving itself first (first look exposures followed by dvd and webinar in homes/offices, followed by 3 way calls, etc.).  A visit without the correct prior activity is boring and unprofitable.  A visit it after the correct activity is rewarding, profitable and fun.