Most, and I do mean MOST people who get started in network marketing have at least some fear or anxiety related to prospecting.
One of the biggest reasons for that is that they simply don't know WHAT to say or HOW to say it!
Who wants to embarrass themselves or sound like a fool? Not me!
You don;t want to pick up the phone and bumble around for words, do you? Me neither!
My friend Todd Falcone is doing us a HUGE favor, he is making his entire STASH of scripts available to anyone in network marketing who wants them.
And I doubt this will last forever. You might want to grab a copy before he pulls it: The Fearless Networker Offer
Get one while they last!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Changing the Rules
I love Bill Cosby’s quote:
Why is it that society in general accepts that they are to go to school, get out and get a job and then begin their slave process to work for someone else and create wealth? That’s amazing.
If we’re going to all work every day no matter what, why not do something that (a) you’re passionate about, and (b) that can potentially get you off the treadmill in 5 to 7 years.
Many people comment about Network Marketing saying “Well, I don’t know if that would work for me.” Well, I know one thing's for sure – if most people keep doing what they’re doing right now for the rest of their lives, they will not (a) be happy or (b) create financial independence.
So why not look at the entire booming network marketing industry (it grew from approximately $120 billion in 2008 to $165 billion in 2009 and growing leaps and bounds) and pick a company and product that you can really get excited about and then go for it?
When doing your due diligence just be sure to look at the trends that the company is placing it’s distributors ahead of, the company funding and executive team, the timing of the company and it’s product line and support. If all those line up, plunge in with both feet and create a dynasty for you and your family.
One of the top Realtors I used to network with would say “Keep out of the suction of those drifting backwards, they’ll take you with them.” My real estate coach use to say “Look at what 99% of the Realtors are doing and do something different as most of them are not producing at a high level.”
Network marketing is not on trial here. It’s not "Does it work?” It really is, “Which company do you associate with so you don’t get left behind?” I know for certain you’ll either choose to be in a network marketing company or in time you’ll be saying “I wish I had.”
Oscar Wilde – “Everything popular is wrong.”
You can break free of this lovely economy and help tens of thousands of others do the same. Pick up Robert Kiyosaki’s book “The Business for the 21st Century” at and then go enjoy the fruits of the industry.
“Civilization had too many rules for me, so I did my best to rewrite them.”
Why is it that society in general accepts that they are to go to school, get out and get a job and then begin their slave process to work for someone else and create wealth? That’s amazing.
If we’re going to all work every day no matter what, why not do something that (a) you’re passionate about, and (b) that can potentially get you off the treadmill in 5 to 7 years.
Many people comment about Network Marketing saying “Well, I don’t know if that would work for me.” Well, I know one thing's for sure – if most people keep doing what they’re doing right now for the rest of their lives, they will not (a) be happy or (b) create financial independence.
So why not look at the entire booming network marketing industry (it grew from approximately $120 billion in 2008 to $165 billion in 2009 and growing leaps and bounds) and pick a company and product that you can really get excited about and then go for it?
When doing your due diligence just be sure to look at the trends that the company is placing it’s distributors ahead of, the company funding and executive team, the timing of the company and it’s product line and support. If all those line up, plunge in with both feet and create a dynasty for you and your family.
One of the top Realtors I used to network with would say “Keep out of the suction of those drifting backwards, they’ll take you with them.” My real estate coach use to say “Look at what 99% of the Realtors are doing and do something different as most of them are not producing at a high level.”
Network marketing is not on trial here. It’s not "Does it work?” It really is, “Which company do you associate with so you don’t get left behind?” I know for certain you’ll either choose to be in a network marketing company or in time you’ll be saying “I wish I had.”
Oscar Wilde – “Everything popular is wrong.”
You can break free of this lovely economy and help tens of thousands of others do the same. Pick up Robert Kiyosaki’s book “The Business for the 21st Century” at and then go enjoy the fruits of the industry.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Eight things TO Create More Accountability
1. Be accountable to your kids or spouse or significant other – or all of them! They get rewards for holding you accountable. I.E. calls per day, calls per day = day trip or vacation.
2. Start every hour at zero. Start every day at zero. You come out of the gate strong. i.e. Starting a new project strong, fresh.
3. Display a goal chart at home for the family to get involved. Goal sessions with poster boards as well.
4. Pay your assistant (or someone else) if you don’t prospect, or do whatever it is you must do daily. Let someone shadow you. You will tend to perform better when someone is watching you.
5.Pay a coach monthly to coach you. When my coach tells me to do something I not only do it but I report back and ask for constant feedback. Do you think if I told you you could add 20%, 30% even 100% to your income this year and gave you a plan to do so you’d avoid doing those activities? I tend to doubt it. Coaching is by far THE MOST effective means for you to (a) hold yourself accountable and (b) break through to personal, income & mental levels you’ve never reached prior to now.
6.Post your daily income goal. I even suggest posting your hourly goal. Everyone figures it a little differently depending upon how much time they plan to take off but it helps you stay on task, stay focused and to work on the high priority high payoff items.
7.Post your schedule and tell everyone about it. Visual subconscious and built in accountability. I circulated my schedule to my assistant, my book keeper and several of my partners. It not only got them all thinking – wow – I need to do that (which helps everyone as a team be more productive), but it also helps me add – yet again – more accountability and accountability partners.
8.Accountability Partners. You can have one for your weekly goals your monthly reading goals, your daily prospecting goals, etc.
Practice Self Accountability with the Daily Discipline Chart:
Power of One
2. Start every hour at zero. Start every day at zero. You come out of the gate strong. i.e. Starting a new project strong, fresh.
3. Display a goal chart at home for the family to get involved. Goal sessions with poster boards as well.
4. Pay your assistant (or someone else) if you don’t prospect, or do whatever it is you must do daily. Let someone shadow you. You will tend to perform better when someone is watching you.
5.Pay a coach monthly to coach you. When my coach tells me to do something I not only do it but I report back and ask for constant feedback. Do you think if I told you you could add 20%, 30% even 100% to your income this year and gave you a plan to do so you’d avoid doing those activities? I tend to doubt it. Coaching is by far THE MOST effective means for you to (a) hold yourself accountable and (b) break through to personal, income & mental levels you’ve never reached prior to now.
6.Post your daily income goal. I even suggest posting your hourly goal. Everyone figures it a little differently depending upon how much time they plan to take off but it helps you stay on task, stay focused and to work on the high priority high payoff items.
7.Post your schedule and tell everyone about it. Visual subconscious and built in accountability. I circulated my schedule to my assistant, my book keeper and several of my partners. It not only got them all thinking – wow – I need to do that (which helps everyone as a team be more productive), but it also helps me add – yet again – more accountability and accountability partners.
8.Accountability Partners. You can have one for your weekly goals your monthly reading goals, your daily prospecting goals, etc.
Practice Self Accountability with the Daily Discipline Chart:
Power of One
Get on Your Soap Box!
(You can find this article in the January / February edition of Networking Times. Subscribe here by clicking the icon below)

The social media frenzy has changed the way many industries do business. For us network marketers also referred to as relationship marketers, we could not have asked for a better way to connect with more prospects globally. Instant access to huge networks of warm contacts; the ability to create a personal brand on a small budget; and the opportunity to position yourself as an expert within your own area of expertise.
Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, and Ezinearticles are just a few of the many social sites on which a network marketer can gain free publicity and build a following. Instead of bombarding your prospects with typical ads, you have them come to you by establishing yourself as someone they want to get to know/learn from. The more people notice you, the more your business will become known.
Here are just a few ways to create a strong online presence and indirectly fill your sales funnel:
*On each of these sites be sure to include contact info, your sales funnel site,
and your other online social media presence sites where allowed so the online user can be directed exactly where you want them to go.
• Write about what you know best. Create content rich articles and submit them to online magazines / journals to showcase your expertise and build trust.
• Contribute to forums where the topics relate to your knowledge and experience. This will again position you as an expert and use the site traffic popularity of other sites to filter people back to your sites
• Create a Facebook fan page/profile - Post pictures and videos, write tips and advice in your posts, connect with new and old friends, and link to your articles. This will all build a personal brand, create exposure for your business and cultivate relationships with your followers. The stronger your brand, the more people will want to get to know you. The more connections you make, the higher the chance for referrals and word of mouth marketing.
• Create a blog on or to carry your personal brand even further. Utilize it like an online journal. Post pictures and videos that capture your experiences, rave about places you’ve traveled because of the opportunity you’re involved with and add your expert articles! Don’t forget to update your blog often to help establish readership and improve the blog’s search ranking. (More content means more opportunities for search engines to find significant information on your site that’s related to the search keywords of users.)
Social marketing has taken over all industries as the online version of word of
mouth. Everyone has their own soapbox. People who are drawn to your message will visit your site and recommend it to others. Your site will perpetuate itself, snowballing your popularity and increasing your site traffic. Best of all it’s not difficult or costly– anyone can learn how to do it. So if you don’t have an online presence yet, get on your soap box and start talking!
The social media frenzy has changed the way many industries do business. For us network marketers also referred to as relationship marketers, we could not have asked for a better way to connect with more prospects globally. Instant access to huge networks of warm contacts; the ability to create a personal brand on a small budget; and the opportunity to position yourself as an expert within your own area of expertise.
Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, and Ezinearticles are just a few of the many social sites on which a network marketer can gain free publicity and build a following. Instead of bombarding your prospects with typical ads, you have them come to you by establishing yourself as someone they want to get to know/learn from. The more people notice you, the more your business will become known.
Here are just a few ways to create a strong online presence and indirectly fill your sales funnel:
*On each of these sites be sure to include contact info, your sales funnel site,
and your other online social media presence sites where allowed so the online user can be directed exactly where you want them to go.
• Write about what you know best. Create content rich articles and submit them to online magazines / journals to showcase your expertise and build trust.
• Contribute to forums where the topics relate to your knowledge and experience. This will again position you as an expert and use the site traffic popularity of other sites to filter people back to your sites
• Create a Facebook fan page/profile - Post pictures and videos, write tips and advice in your posts, connect with new and old friends, and link to your articles. This will all build a personal brand, create exposure for your business and cultivate relationships with your followers. The stronger your brand, the more people will want to get to know you. The more connections you make, the higher the chance for referrals and word of mouth marketing.
• Create a blog on or to carry your personal brand even further. Utilize it like an online journal. Post pictures and videos that capture your experiences, rave about places you’ve traveled because of the opportunity you’re involved with and add your expert articles! Don’t forget to update your blog often to help establish readership and improve the blog’s search ranking. (More content means more opportunities for search engines to find significant information on your site that’s related to the search keywords of users.)
Social marketing has taken over all industries as the online version of word of
mouth. Everyone has their own soapbox. People who are drawn to your message will visit your site and recommend it to others. Your site will perpetuate itself, snowballing your popularity and increasing your site traffic. Best of all it’s not difficult or costly– anyone can learn how to do it. So if you don’t have an online presence yet, get on your soap box and start talking!
Do an Attitude Check
I’m sure you’ve all heard the term that your attitude determines your altitude.
Zig Ziglar used to say that in all his talks. Successful people maintain a consistently positive attitude both in good times and bad.
Life is going to dish out challenges. It’s what you do and how you react to those challenges that make the huge difference.
Too many times we look at someone successful and think,
Nope – we all do. How do you react? As Jim Rohn says,
Zig Ziglar used to say that in all his talks. Successful people maintain a consistently positive attitude both in good times and bad.
Life is going to dish out challenges. It’s what you do and how you react to those challenges that make the huge difference.
Too many times we look at someone successful and think,
“Boy they’re lucky…”, or “They can but I can’t because I have all these challenges…”
Nope – we all do. How do you react? As Jim Rohn says,
“The wind blows on us all. But, it’s how you set the sail that makes the difference.”
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
U C O W: Is Everyone Comfortable When They Start Their Network Marketing Business?
U C O W: Is Everyone Comfortable When They Start Their Network Marketing Business? Of course not. It’s no different than any business.
First off, what's UCOW? UCOW is an acronym I use to remind me to get out of my comfort zone. Being Uncomfortable (out of your comfort zone) will eventually increase your Comfort zone (you'll grow from your discomfort and find new ways to adapt inevitably expanding your comfort zone) and create new Opportunities for you to build Wealth.
I remember starting in real estate as a realtor in 1995 after a real tough corporate bankruptcy with my building company. My coach had me calling just 12 people per day…12. That was torture to me. I would shake and sweat before picking up the phone for those 12 per day and it seemed to take forever. With more and more calls, my uncomfortable zone shrunk and I became more and more comfortable. Fast forward 36 months from then and I was consistently calling over 100 per day…100. I looked back and laughed at how 12 used to be difficult and very uncomfortable.
Here’s what I know - if we follow U C O W we will be blessed with unlimited wealth. If we stop and realize that we all make 2500 +/- decisions daily and the quality of those decisions will determine the quality of our lives. I also know that if we don’t make decisions between now and next year, we’ll be the exact same person next year!
First off, what's UCOW? UCOW is an acronym I use to remind me to get out of my comfort zone. Being Uncomfortable (out of your comfort zone) will eventually increase your Comfort zone (you'll grow from your discomfort and find new ways to adapt inevitably expanding your comfort zone) and create new Opportunities for you to build Wealth.
I remember starting in real estate as a realtor in 1995 after a real tough corporate bankruptcy with my building company. My coach had me calling just 12 people per day…12. That was torture to me. I would shake and sweat before picking up the phone for those 12 per day and it seemed to take forever. With more and more calls, my uncomfortable zone shrunk and I became more and more comfortable. Fast forward 36 months from then and I was consistently calling over 100 per day…100. I looked back and laughed at how 12 used to be difficult and very uncomfortable.
Here’s what I know - if we follow U C O W we will be blessed with unlimited wealth. If we stop and realize that we all make 2500 +/- decisions daily and the quality of those decisions will determine the quality of our lives. I also know that if we don’t make decisions between now and next year, we’ll be the exact same person next year!
Monday, January 3, 2011
5 Strategies to Rescue Resolutions
Too many times we see and hear people making New Year's Resolutions and by June they are in disarray, compromised, and abandoned. I don’t want anyone to feel guilty over it but I do want to give you ideas on how to get on track to systematically set and achieve new goals for 2011!
1. A book I recently shared with Kimmy Everett is Dan Kennedy’s “No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs.” It's a great one for “time-blocking” strategies and instructions and Dan is extremely blunt and to the point. One of the big reasons resolutions never become reality is no room is made for them in our daily schedules! For example, if your day is already full, and you resolve to get in a ½ hour jog every day, that ½ hour has to come from somewhere. You have to find something or several things that currently consume time that you can take 5, 10, 30 minutes from.
2. You can’t be real serious about a resolution unless you invest in and gather the required resources to make it happen. Almost anything you decide to do, any change you decide to make, any goal you set out to achieve requires new or different resources. That may be new work out clothes, different food in the cupboard or a private work place outside the office. Another cool thing is that sometimes investment motivates follow-through!
3. Chunk it down. If you’d like to go swim 2 miles, how about starting with 1/8th of a mile for 2 weeks, then ¼ of a mile for a few weeks, etc – build up to your goal.
4. Schedule shouldn’t govern priorities – priorities should govern your schedule. Go to pages 69-74 and 103-111 in Dan’s Time Management book where he talks about the mistake made by the vast majority of business owners and entrepreneurs – they operate like workers instead of bosses and leaders. They report to a workplace, then they let people and events and interruptions come at them all day and take control of their day. You have to wrestle control away from others’ priorities and govern by your priorities.
5. Daily progress is key. Take the objective and break it all the way down to a time line and to-do list for each day all the way from now to fruition. We’ve created a lot of training material for the US market and now working on Hebrew for the Israel market. We’re chunking it down and making lists and time lines for each thing in order to get it done before our next visit.
1. A book I recently shared with Kimmy Everett is Dan Kennedy’s “No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs.” It's a great one for “time-blocking” strategies and instructions and Dan is extremely blunt and to the point. One of the big reasons resolutions never become reality is no room is made for them in our daily schedules! For example, if your day is already full, and you resolve to get in a ½ hour jog every day, that ½ hour has to come from somewhere. You have to find something or several things that currently consume time that you can take 5, 10, 30 minutes from.
2. You can’t be real serious about a resolution unless you invest in and gather the required resources to make it happen. Almost anything you decide to do, any change you decide to make, any goal you set out to achieve requires new or different resources. That may be new work out clothes, different food in the cupboard or a private work place outside the office. Another cool thing is that sometimes investment motivates follow-through!
3. Chunk it down. If you’d like to go swim 2 miles, how about starting with 1/8th of a mile for 2 weeks, then ¼ of a mile for a few weeks, etc – build up to your goal.
4. Schedule shouldn’t govern priorities – priorities should govern your schedule. Go to pages 69-74 and 103-111 in Dan’s Time Management book where he talks about the mistake made by the vast majority of business owners and entrepreneurs – they operate like workers instead of bosses and leaders. They report to a workplace, then they let people and events and interruptions come at them all day and take control of their day. You have to wrestle control away from others’ priorities and govern by your priorities.
5. Daily progress is key. Take the objective and break it all the way down to a time line and to-do list for each day all the way from now to fruition. We’ve created a lot of training material for the US market and now working on Hebrew for the Israel market. We’re chunking it down and making lists and time lines for each thing in order to get it done before our next visit.
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