I love a quote by one of the top Realtors in the Country that was in a coaching group with me back in 1995, Karen Bernardi: “Keep out of the suction of those drifting backwards because they’ll take you with them.”
So, keep moving and staying vibrant for sure and do it with those going, or already, where you want to be.
We should always be training ourselves personally, physically and business specific.
Not studying and improving yourself is like being a leaf that didn’t know it was part of a tree. That’s an interesting visual I know and it applies to many people.
We are individually responsible for our education, and that applies to whether you’re in school, business, an apprenticeship, etc. So don’t just sign on the dotted line & then stop improving. You’ll be a lost leaf.
As you think big, expand your learning, & grow – you’re expanding your net worth. That’s what significant success is about.
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