Hi Guys- we have a chance this morning to breath before the large meeting tonight.
Quick update:
We have seen well over 50 new people in private conference room setting meetings every two hours since Monday 10am.
We have met with all existing distributors that were kind of sitting after all the delays and they are more than excited.
Tonight the larger meeting will have over 50 and I’m optimistically planning on more and will let you know. Our goal was 100 new this week and we will surpass that.
We squeezed in another large ad yesterday and received over 25 calls that are converting for tonight and we squeezed in another 5 min radio spot that also generated leads throughout the day yesterday. We will run a small line ad when we leave that will run continuously until spring launch.
We were going to sleep Thursday then fly out and maybe catch a view of Jerusalem on our only day of chill but there is huge demand for a meeting there so we’re heading there for lunch, doing a 6pm Biz Overview and then flying out at midnight. A couple of our key platinums are there and run a hotel that we’ll use.
We are getting the overview filmed this evening and will use that for the in home DVD and Ron is filming the compensation and the scripts training and that will be available for his troops by next week.
Ron’s wife is recently engaged in the biz (never was) having met and strategized with Kim Pre and is working the phone amazingly from Boston and has very influential guests coming tonight – real good.
To da
Chris Pre